Category: Wunderkammer

A Wunderkammer is literally a “cabinet of wonders,” It is an exhibition space in which miscellanea and curiosities are gathered together. Without categorization, the exhibits can be explored and enjoyed in their own right.

The Russian Space Shuttle

The Buran shuttle was a Russian  orbital vehicle developed as a response to the US Space Shuttle which was suspected by Russia to have military capabilities, although their security advisors could not be sure...


Located in the Teutoburg Forest in the Westphalia region of Germany the statue of  Hermann (or Arminius as he was known to the Romans) commemorates the  Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in which the...

Phantom Sweet Thrower

Phantom Sweet Thrower

Security cameras at the IGA supermarket in Adelaide caught a packet of sweets being thrown after the store had closed and no one was about. The shop owner, Norman Hurst, is convinced that a...