Category: Science & Nature
Postings from the world of science and technology
Why Rituals Work
Think about the last time you were about to interview for a job, speak in front of an audience, or go on a first date. To quell your nerves, chances are you spent time...
Higgs boson: scientists 99.999% sure ‘God Particle’ has been found
Scientists believe they have captured the elusive “God particle” that gives matter mass and holds the physical fabric of the universe together. The historic announcement came in a progress report from the Large Hadron...
Snake Oil
This revealing chart shows exactly where a number of dietary supplements and popular treatments lie in relation to the actual scientific evidence supporting the claims made for them.
Science can answer moral questions
Questions of good and evil, right and wrong are commonly thought unanswerable by science. But Sam Harris argues that science can — and should — be an authority on moral issues, shaping human values...
Where Humans Split from Sharks
Common Ancestor Comes Into Focus ScienceDaily — The common ancestor of all jawed vertebrates on Earth resembled a shark, according to a new analysis of the braincase of a 290-million-year-old fossil fish that has...
New rocket plane to begin space tourist launches in 2014
An artist’s rendition of XCOR Aerospace’s Lynx space plane high above the Earth. Roughly the size of a small private airplane, the craft is designed to make several flights a day into a zero-gravity...
Dinosaurs Skinnier Than Previously Thought
The discovery may change the way we imagine and depict dinosaurs. A new method for measuring the weight and size of dinosaurs has found that these animals weighed less than previously estimated. A huge...